Personal hygiene can be a subjective thing. Some believe keeping clean is the bare minimum, and others feel that a routine is an impossible standard to uphold. While some people believe in having two showers a day, others believe one every three days works for them. But when very different standards of cleanliness crash into one another, ugly discussions arise. After those confrontations, some involved have asked for an outside opinion, wondering if they handled it correctly by telling their stories on the subreddit r/AmItheA**hole.
From wanting your boyfriend to have better dental hygiene before kissing him to not having feminine products at home or reporting a smelly coworker, there are many instances where hygiene is the point of discussion. Who is in the right, and who is in the wrong?
Stories have been edited for length and clarity.
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AITA For Not Giving My Stepsisters Access To My Hygiene Drawer?
From Redditor u/AITAddd5:
I’ll begin by saying that both families are mostly girls – Mom has two stepdaughters (17F and 15F), and my dad has three stepdaughters and one bio-son (18F, 15F, 12F, and 5M), and there’s me (16F). Since my mom has only girls, my dad doesn’t know anything about girl products, and I’m not comfortable telling those things to my stepmom. My mom takes care of my hygiene products (mostly pads, skincare, makeup wipes, etc). At her house, she has a small cabinet full of these things that she restocks every month or every six weeks, and I take some of these things to my dad’s because I spend 2-3 weeks there.
I began to have problems when my stepsisters from my dad’s side entered my room and took my things without asking. They wore my clothes, my accessories, and my shoes, and then took the things my mom bought for me. I complained to my dad, but he didn’t do anything. He also didn’t allow me to put a lock in my room, so my mom bought me two tall lockers to put my fave things there. My dad and stepmom didn’t like this but didn’t say anything either when my stepdad installed them in my room. Since I keep most of my hygiene products in my bathroom, the lockers didn’t stop my stepsisters from taking my pads, skincare, and stuff. It was annoying because when I needed or wanted to use MY things, they were gone, so my stepdad bought me a small cabinet with locked drawers to keep it. They complained about this because my dad is aware that my mom has a cabinet stocked with these kinds of products and doesn’t know why ”we can’t share’.’ Apparently, they stopped buying these things for my sisters because they knew I had them at home.
Yesterday, my stepsister (15F) came to my room and asked me for a pad. I was annoyed, yes, but you never say no to a pad, so I went to my bathroom and unlocked the drawer. When I grabbed the bag to take one, she snatched it from my hands and said ”Thanks.” I said, ”Wait’,’ and snatched it back. I gave her only one and then tossed the rest into my drawer and locked it. She said she needed more for her period and I said that she should hurry up and ask her mom for a bag because I wouldn’t share more. She called me an AH and went to my dad, who demanded I share my drawer with my sisters, but I just said no. He grounded me and I’m not allowed to get out of my room now. Maybe I took it too far?
What do you think?Side with OP? -
AITA For Kicking Out My Roommate Because Of Her Hygiene?
From a former Redditor:
I (23F) have a roommate (18F) who has zero respect for personal hygiene. We’ve been living together for four months and I can’t stand living with her anymore. She doesn’t shower. In four months she hasn’t showered once. However, she goes for a two-hour run every morning. I can’t stand the smell anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach.
I tried to talk to her about it but she just brushed it off and said she’d shower but never did. Last week, I told her that I can’t stand the way she smells and how the apartment smells because of her, so she either starts showering or I’ll have her evicted.
Obviously nothing changed so this morning i contacted the landlord. I explained the situation and asked if he can evict her. He came over and the second he stepped in, I could see him trying not to throw up. He called her and told her she has 30 days to move out or she will be removed by force.
My roommate is furious and hasn’t stopped calling me names. I don’t think I’m in the wrong here but a couple of people told me that I’m being inconsiderate by having her evicted so close to Christmas and that she’s in her first year of college, and I may be interfering with her studies.
Side with OP? -
AITA For Reminding My BF About His Hygiene?
From Redditor u/R3B3LL3R:
I (19F) have been dating my BF (21M) since July 2020. We met at work, and, at first, I figured there was an issue with him and showering and whatnot, but I didn’t judge because I didn’t know his background. I had got him to shower a few times before we started dating, and we clicked pretty well, so I guessed I could help him get into a routine about hygiene.
Yeah, no.
We work as mechanics, and I wash my hands after every vehicle and throughout the vehicle as I can. He does not. Not before pulling in a vehicle, not after his hands get dirty after a while, not before he leaves work. The only time he’ll wash his hands is if I tell him not to touch my nice, clean after-work clothes with his very dirty hands. This sparks an argument EVERY. TIME.
So you can guess how asking him how to shower is, or, God forbid, brushing his teeth. He’ll pout, get upset because I called him out on it, but honestly I don’t want to snuggle or kiss a stinky boy.
Two days ago he was laying beside me and he REEKED. I gently said, in my playful way, “Boi you stinky, go shower please.” (Yes stinky, its how I try to lessen the blow.) He got super upset with me! Asking me why I do that to him and embarrass him when he doesn’t do it to me.
I don’t know Reddit. It’s an everyday argument. It’s getting really frustrating, AITA?
Side with OP? -
AITA For Reporting My Coworker For Personal Hygiene?
From Redditor u/Confused_b*tch98:
For some background, I am a 24 year old female working in a corporate office, and I am one of the youngest people in the company besides interns. So, I usually keep to myself. I have one work friend, that’s it. I’ve been with the company since 2019 and we worked from home for a year due to COVID-19.
There is an older woman who works on a separate team from mine, but our desks are near each other. She is a sweet woman but has bad body odor and very strange habits. She doesn’t have an old lady smell or a cat lady smell. It’s like an old-garbage-and-mildew type of smell. I feel bad for her because some people can’t help it and it’s difficult to talk to someone about personal hygiene. But it just radiates through the office. Other coworkers talk bad about her and make fun of her. And I feel bad for her because she has to know. But she also CLIPS HER TOENAILS AT HER DESK AND LETS THEM FLY ALL OVER THE PLACE. I’m three desks away from her and had a toenail LAND ON MY DESK! We all thought she would stop doing it when we came back to the office from COVID-19, but she didn’t.
I think she does it out of spite because people talk about her. But broooo come on! Like that is so disgusting and you are working in an office with a ton of people around you. And it’s not like she has a cubicle to hide in. This is just in plain sight for everyone to see. We had a new hire start a while ago and he audibly gagged when he saw her do it for the first time.
Anyway, it’s gotten to the point that wherever she goes in the building, people know who she is and can smell her coming. So I talked to my one work friend about it, and she said something needs to be done and I should talk to my supervisor about it and share people’s concerns since I sit near her. So I did. He was aware of her smell and habits but wasn’t able to do anything until a formal complaint was made because she wasn’t in his department. So, he made her supervisor aware. A day later, an email was sent advising people to care for themselves and the importance of personal hygiene as well as habits that are appropriate and inappropriate for the workplace. She was pulled for a meeting with her supervisor before this email and it lasted a good 30 minutes. She came out with red, puffy eyes but also looked pissed.
Since then, she’s smelled better, and we have had no toenail incidents. But she also requested to have her desk moved to a more secluded area. People also caught wind that I spoke to a supervisor about her and have made me out to be the bad guy for making her feel targeted and exposed. But everyone was complaining and talking bad about her behind her back. So am I the a**hole?
Side with OP? -
AITA For Talking About Periods And Female Hygiene Around My Brother?
From Redditor u/Useless42999197:
My mom forced me to basically be my brother and his friend’s taxi about a week ago. When I was driving him over to his buddy’s house, he was being a ripe a**hole to me. Said that I’m a “sh*tty driver,” messed with the radio and vents, and was being an overall a**. When I picked up his friend, he and my brother started to tease me relentlessly and be annoying little sh*ts. I had enough, and I called my friend. I have a hands-free car, so it was on full display for them. We started right away talking about our periods, bras, underwear, and just stuff young boys get all grossed out and uncomfortable about.
He finally told me to stop, and they both apologized to me and a couple of my friends, and my brother and his friend spent the day at the beach. On the way home, my mom asked me how it went, and I told her what I did with my friend to get my brother to stop annoying me. While she laughed and thought it was funny, she said that I shouldn’t gross him out about that ’cause it’s all natural. I agree it is natural, but I know how he gets over that, and if I can teach him a lesson to not mess with me AND help him learn a little about female bodies, I’m OK with that.
Side with OP? -
AITA For Not Keeping Feminine Hygiene Products In My Home?
From Redditor u/Icy-Peanut4850:
I (24F) am currently raising my two brothers (18M, 13M) after my mother died this past September. Only my brothers and I live here, and when my other brother (21M) completes rehab, he will be living here as well. I am the only girl in the house. On to the issue.
I have a friend, we’ll call her Zaylee (23F), who came over to hang out with me last week. For context, I have the Nexplanon birth control bar in my arm. I know it’s different for everyone, but for me, it completely takes away my period and lasts for three years (this is my second time having it). We were having a movie day to catch up on life since we hadn’t seen each other in over a week. During one of the movies, she gets up to use the restroom, so I scroll through my phone waiting for her return.
Well, when she comes back down she asks me where I keep my tampons. I responded I don’t keep them in the house since I haven’t needed one in years. She then proceeded to ask me for a pad, and I kinda just giggled and repeated myself. I’m not sure if it was the giggle or lack of products, but she completely flips out on me. “What kind of woman doesn’t keep these things?” “As a woman, you should always keep them!” “What the hell am I supposed to do about my situation?” “I’ve never met someone so thoughtless!”
I was confused. I didn’t take her attitude to heart and told her we could go to the Dollar General around the corner if she needed some and that it was not a big deal. Apparently, that wasn’t good enough for her. She called me an insensitive b*tch who doesn’t care about other women (??) and needs to learn how to be a better host. She called herself a cab and left shortly after.
I can understand the frustration of not having something you need, but lashing out at me made no sense. I just don’t see the reason to spend money on things I don’t use. They’re unnecessarily expensive. AITA?
Side with OP? -
AITA For Not Providing My Guest’s Preferred Hygiene Products?
From Redditor u/BillyBlanda**:
Earlier this week, I had a small party at my apartment. We are all sitting in the living room drinking beer and having a chill time when one of my friends, let’s call him Mark, gets up to use the restroom. After about 20 minutes, we notice that Mark has been in the bathroom for a while. We knock on the door to ask if he is alright, and he doesn’t reply. About five minutes later, we see him sort of waddle out of the bathroom with an I’ve-still-got-doo-doo-on-my-butthole walk, and he exits the apartment without another word. The first thing I thought is that maybe he had some sort of uncontrolled butt explosion that he was embarrassed about and couldn’t clean, so I checked the bathroom, and everything was fine; it stank a bit, but it was clean. I texted Mark to ask why he left, and he didn’t get back to me until today. He’s now blaming me for not providing toilet paper to wipe his a** and how he now has an itchy rash on his butthole because he had to go all the way home to wipe his butt. I told him in no uncertain terms to f*ck off because there was plenty of toilet paper in the bathroom, but he said he couldn’t use it.
Now, keep in mind that none of us talk about politics, and I don’t know what their political views are, nor do I care. As far as I am concerned, my friendships are apolitical, and I want them to stay that way. That being said, I was gifted a whole box of toilet paper with Trump’s face printed on it during the “great toilet paper shortage of 2020” and I am out of my usual stuff, so I am making use of that until I get a chance to pick up more paper at the grocery market. When Mark said he couldn’t use the toilet paper I had, he told me that he “didn’t want to disrespect the president.” I told him to lighten up and that it’s just a gag product that doesn’t mean anything to me. He hasn’t spoken to me since.
Am I the a**hole?
Side with OP? -
AITA For Standing Firm On My ‘Lack Of Hygiene’ And Choosing My Cat Over My BF?
From Redditor u/AITA_shower:
First things first, I (24F) have been dating “Kyle” (25M) for two months now. He has started to spend the night. Kyle never grew up with pets, so my cat has been an “adjustment” to him (his words). My cat “Crumb” (4M) is the most important aspect of my life right now. Like with most cat parents, he rules the household. We are very close since I found him abandoned on the side of the road (as a 3-month-old kitten) and nursed him back to health.
Crumb is very docile, but hasn’t shown any affection or really interest in Kyle. I don’t force it. Crumb does as he does.
Lately, Kyle has been complaining about Crumb. I guess he walked into my bathroom to see Crumb rubbing his face against my toothbrush (I have one of the electric ones that stands). He was shocked and told me how disgusting it was. I laughed and said, “Yeah that’s not great.” He demanded I get a new toothbrush (expensive) and I said no. I just put the toothbrush in a drawer.
Next, Kyle says he doesn’t like my nightly routine with Crumb. I kiss Crumb on the head, stomach, and face before he goes to sleep. He sleeps on my bedside table in a cat bed. If I don’t do this routine, he lays on me until I do. I know that’s annoying, but that’s how it has always been, and I love doing it.
Well, Kyle says I am unhygienic because of this. He says Crumb is dirty (he is inside only, and I brush him every day), and even letting him sleep in the bedroom is gross and gets fur everywhere (it doesn’t, but Kyle isn’t even allergic, so). I told him I put the toothbrush away, but he told me I took it as a joke and didn’t punish Crumb. I tried to explain that you can’t punish cats (nor would I want to in this scenario), but he wouldn’t hear it. He then went on to say that kissing Crumb is disgusting, especially his face, and he wouldn’t ever kiss me if I kissed Crumb again. He asked me to put Crumb outside the room when he is over or lock him in a “crate.”
So I said, “Okay, bye.” Not only is Crumb 10000x more important to me, but I laughed in Kyle’s face about never kissing my cat again/keeping him locked.
This is where I may be the AH. Kyle told me that I was ruining our future and how mean I am for laughing at his concerns. I felt guilty so I asked a group of my friends and they were split. The pet owners laughed, the non-pet owners said I am in the wrong for not making Kyle feel more comfortable. They said that Kyle wasn’t asking me to get rid of Crumb, just compromise with him. They said I was being kinda gross and understand his concerns.
Side with OP? -
AITA For Having A Strict Dental Hygiene Routine?
From Redditor u/toothbrushdude:
So I (25M) have been dating a girl (22) for a little over a month now. This last weekend, we spent the entire Saturday together on one long date. I thought it was the perfect day. Not a single iota of negative vibes or unpleasant for the entire day.
We ended the night at her apartment. Before we went to sleep, I went to my car to get my dental kit and went to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. I don’t think it’s anything out of the ordinary. Literally just a regular brushing, mouthwash rinse, and flossing. Upon returning to bed, she questioned why I went outside and was in the bathroom for so long, which was maybe about five minutes. I told her I was just brushing my teeth, and she immediately became cold to me in a way I had never seen her before.
She told me it was rude and inconsiderate to do what I did because it essentially “shoves her inadequacies into her face.” Apparently, when growing up, she had multiple cavities and other dental issues, but I never even noticed any problems with her teeth. As I said, this has been a nightly routine for me for years since I was a kid.
We went to sleep after our argument, and we’ve been pretty okay since, but a couple of my friends and my older brother have said I was the a** in this situation for even having a dental kit and that missing a night would have been worth not making her uncomfortable.
So, was I really the a**hole here?
Side with OP? -
AITA For Not Wanting To Kiss My Boyfriend Until His Dental Health Gets Better?
From Redditor u/anonbiscuitcow:
My (28F) boyfriend (30M) has always had yellow teeth and bad breath. I was able to overlook it at first because we were in the honeymoon phase and were physically connected in other ways, but I never really enjoyed kissing him. Sometimes, his breath is so bad that even if he talks near me, I’ll have to turn my head away, and then he’ll think I’m annoyed with him for no reason and get upset with me.
We started living together in the past year, and I began to notice that he rarely brushed his teeth and never flossed. I tried to bring it up with him as politely as possible because I don’t want to tank his self-esteem, and now we’ve gotten to the point where he’ll usually brush if I specifically tell him to, but if I don’t, then he’ll forget. He flossed once out of spite because I kept bugging him about it, but he hasn’t flossed once since then. He HAS lied about flossing though, and when I call him out on it, he’ll say he only lied to not make me mad. I keep trying to explain to him that he shouldn’t want to do this for me and that he should want to do it for himself and his own health, and he’ll say that he knows but then do nothing to change. He has a great job and amazing health/dental insurance, and I’ve told him several times to make a dentist appointment, and he keeps saying he will, but it still hasn’t happened, and I don’t think he will unless I stand there and walk him through it.
It’s become a real problem for me because I can’t even stand to see him smile anymore, let alone kiss him. I feel like such a terrible person, but I just have such a strong ick factor with his entire mouth region now. I also hate that he keeps making excuses about how his teeth just stain easily because that’s not the problem! The problem is I can see with my own eyes just how little he takes care of his teeth, so stains or no stains, I know that they’re gross.
I love my boyfriend, and I want what’s best for him. I think being candid about health issues is important in long-term relationships, but just telling him I want him to take care of his teeth for health hasn’t worked. So, recently, I’ve let him know plainly that with his teeth the way they are, I no longer want to kiss him because it grosses me out. And now he just keeps making little snide comments about how I hate him. I know I could’ve been nicer, but that hasn’t worked, so I tried a different approach, and it seems like it’s just made things worse. But I stand by what I said. I don’t want to kiss him because of his teeth, and to him, that makes me an a**hole.
Side with OP?
AITA For Not Shaving My Legs For Work?
From Redditor u/BlinderDisco:
I’m a 21-year-old female. I feel like I should say these things about myself because these are usually what people ask or say when they find out I rarely shave my legs. I’m straight, I’m very feminine, and I just don’t like to waste my time or money on shaving my legs. Also, I’m not a hairy person at all! You can barely see my leg hair, arm hair, or even my goddamn eyebrows. The only time I shave is when I’m dating a new guy in my life, and I’ve been with my current BF for 3 years now. Also, he doesn’t give a rat’s a** if I shave my legs.
I work for a promotion company where I travel and work at event and festivals. But today I had to go into the office to grab some materials and my boss was there in his office so I stoped to say hi before I left.
When I ducked in, he awkwardly asked me if we could talk about something. I said sure and came in, and he shut the door. He was so red and stuttering, but finally, he told me we needed to speak about hygiene. I was in literal shock. I was so embarrassed and asked him what he meant. My boss then proceeded to tell me that a few people complained I didn’t shave my legs, and they said it went against company policy that I wasn’t being hygienic. I was even more shocked.
I told him I didn’t understand what that had to do with me shaving my legs and he was just absolutely quiet. I asked him if he shaved his legs and he still said nothing. I then stood up and said if we were gonna keep talking about this, I’d prefer HR to be there and he just told me that we didn’t need to discuss it any further.
Later today, I just got an email from HR saying that they would like to set up a meeting for next week to talk further about the discussion that happened today. I’m freaking out, and it’s making me so anxious. AITA for not shaving my legs for my job?
Side with OP? -
AITA For Telling My GF That Her Son Stinks And Needs To Be Taught Proper Hygiene?
From Redditor u/SeriousNorwegian:
Me (24M) and my girlfriend (24F) had a baby boy one month ago today, and things have been pretty awesome. We’ve really come together as a couple, and our communication has been healthier than ever; even our levels of trust and little displays of affection are through the roof. All in all, a potentially stressful and chaotic situation worked out pretty well!
My GF has a six-year-old boy from a high school fling. The father moved several states away when he found out about the kid and has only been around two or three times, for no more than an hour each time. Her son knows I am not his father, but for the last three years, I have tried to reinforce that I am his friend and he can always talk to me. We play basketball together, and go bowling every weekend, as long as he behaves in school that week, so I would think that we are pretty close.
So two days ago (Friday), after work, the three of us went bowling while my mother watched our newborn. As we’re changing shoes, I notice a really gnarly odor akin to sour milk and garlic. I searched for the offensive smell, and I realized it was my girlfriend’s son’s feet. When I leaned down to put all of our shoes underneath the table, I was about a foot away from him and couldn’t help but notice he absolutely REEKED. I was a little boy once, so I shrugged it off and made a mental note to tell his mom later.
As luck would have it, she brought up to me a few minutes later how he got made fun of at school that day for smelling bad and how it hurt his feelings. Me being the idiot that I am immediately responded with, “SO, it smells like he hasn’t wiped his a** properly in days. Does he use soap in the shower? Did you ever show him how?” To which she blushed and vehemently responded that it was not appropriate for her to bathe with her own son.
Now that he’s six, I kind of agree, but I wasn’t born knowing how to properly clean my body, I had to be taught. I told her that I felt it was her job as the sole parent to teach her son hygiene, otherwise, this problem would never go away. I also stated that with our son, the newborn, I would 100% be taking responsibility for his hygiene so that I knew it would get done. She started to tear up and got really angry with me, so we finished our bowling game and left. She’s been pissed at me all weekend. AITA here? Should I have handled that better? Different?
Side with OP? -
AITA If I Tell My Friend The Hard Truth About Her Hygiene And Her Dating Life?
From Redditor u/South-Menu:
I have a friend I’ve known for a little over two years, ever since we both started grad school. Let’s call her Emma. Emma has recently started dating again since she is vaccinated and has been going on regular dates. Emma is a really nice person. However, she can be a little much sometimes as she likes to have 100% of your attention when she’s with you. I have never directly addressed her “neediness”; however, I believe she spoke to her therapist about it, and she has made progress.
Anyways, Emma has been going on dates, but she is really picky. If their first kiss isn’t spectacular or he wears a Hawaiian shirt, it’s game over for him. I think she needs to understand that dating is a give-and-take. He’s not gonna be perfect, and she isn’t either. No one is. Now, Emma is one of my best friends from grad school, so I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but also, as her friend, I think someone needs to be real with her. She needs to take some steps to improve her hygiene if she wants to continue to have such high standards. I’m not saying that she needs to do a full face of makeup or dress extravagantly, but she does need to take more frequent showers and manage her body hair more efficiently. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with women having body hair, but if Emma wants to land the guy of her dreams, I think she needs to pluck her eyebrows and shave her nether regions when she wears a bathing suit (and also shower more often).
Another issue is that the few men who make it to the second round want to come over to her house. Emma does a good job of dressing the part on the first date in terms of showering; however, I think her home might scare them away if they come over. Emma‘s BO tends to linger throughout the house even after she has cleaned up.
I have mentioned to her a few times that she should shave, maybe pluck her eyebrows, and have once mentioned the BO, but I know it hurts her feelings. At the same time, it also hurts her feelings when the guys she wants to take on second dates don’t feel the same way and the guys she doesn’t like do want second dates. She was mainly raised by her dad, so I suspect some of her issues are rooted in the fact that her mom wasn’t really there to teach her feminine hygiene/self-care. Also, the BO is getting to a point where it makes me more hesitant to hang out with her. Before you ask, the BO is a progressing issue, and I don’t think it’s a genetic one since she has mentioned that she doesn’t shower very often.
WIBTA if I sat her down and talked to her about her hygiene issues? I would also like to mention the give and take aspects of dating but I don’t want hurt her feelings. I don’t want to tell her to lower her bar, but also, if she doesn’t want to lower her bar then she needs to raise her own.
Side with OP?